Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Is Mary did you know?” Mansplaining?

Some think that his song is an example of a type of condescension know as mansplaining.  Perhaps from a certain perspective one might think this.  But upon reflection,  this song is not just about what Mary knew, about Jesus, but what we know about Jesus (and Mary as well. 

Mary grew in her understanding of who her son would be. There is enough in the Gospels that show she along many of the disciples didn’t really get the person of Jesus and the mission of Jesus until after the resurrection and his gift to them of the Holy Spirit.  This question, Mary did you know is theologically perceptive, the answer to which we all need to answer in the way Jesus himself  would have us answer.  Peter, before he denied Jesus three times only knew the answer because is was revealed to him:  “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”  If this song is mansplaining, then The Father himself is the chief mansplainer since he had to reveal to Peter and he had to reveal to Mary.